Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A View From Above

It is always a treat to go into the camera and find pictures that other people have taken. Sometimes the pictures are silly or blurry or what I want to say but can't because it is a memory card, a waste of film. Every so often I go in to the camera and 'weed' the pictures. A lot of the pictures there are very nice. Today the ones I found are going on the blog.

Aaron took them I think. I keep saying this but I think he has a knack for photography and I hope he takes a class or two while he is in school.

These pictures are taken from up in a tree. Little shots of our space in the world.

The garden.

The girls by the mint.

Side of the house, and the flower garden.

Garage and drive.

Front deck. With Dean getting the grill cleaned up.

Another shot of the side and front.

Looking down at Greta checking her flower garden.

Shot of Aaron's shoe. Careful now!

It is nice seeing things from a different point of view, without having to actually go up that high.

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