Monday, October 28, 2013

Now It is Time For Applesauce

We have been picking apples, and finally got around to making the applesauce. The girls helped me a lot. It is so great to have real help in the kitchen. While they are young it seems most times the 'help' that I get in the kitchen is more work for me than help. It is worth it to push through and be patient because now I have a couple of big helpers.

We cook our apples with the skins on. We do take out the seeds. After the apples are soft the girls ran them through the mills. I have a Foley mill and another type of mill that is much like a strainer and it has a wooden pestle that is used to squish the apples through the mill. I wish I knew what it was called.

We do not add any sugar to our sauce. Just put it in jars and process for 20 minutes.

Magically it turns into applesauce!!

1 comment:

  1. Delightful post!

    My next door daughter-in-law makes Applesauce. :-)

