Monday, September 15, 2014

A Welcome Home

I landed in Vassalboro, Maine last night about 9 PM. As soon as my headlights hit the porch I saw a bucketful of loveliness. As soon as I put the car in park I saw Greta bounding off the porch to come hug me. Then followed Dean and finally AnnMarie. The girls were full of stories of all the wonderful things they had done while I was gone.

I will add that the house was clean, the laundry done, and a hot wonderful meal was waiting for me as well.

This morning Dean and I got up and took our morning walk. It is so nice to be home.

Isn't that a beautiful shot? The sun just barely coming up and the mist from the lake makes it so pretty. It isn't the desire to exercise that gets me walking, it is the view.

The girls have been thinking about how it is almost fair day. They want to bring money and had a strong desire to make some. Greta swept the decks. AnnMarie is our morning 'Greta sitter'. For a little extra money I let them sit at the top of the driveway and sell eggs and beans. They had already helped pick the beans. They made a sign this morning. They grabbed their chairs and headed to work.

You may think coats and boots is overkill. I will let you know that it has been very crisp and cool here as of late. This morning it was 41 outside and a cool 61 inside. Time to bring out the sweaters and slippers.

1 comment:

  1. You have some budding businesswomen there! Tell them to email me if they need tips. :D :D
