Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Not One Picture

What a whirl wind of activity it has been these last few days! It is a good feeling to go off and have fun and not bring a phone or a camera, but sadly I wish now that I had thought of it as I have no pictures to share of all the things I have done in the last few days.

Saturday was a party for four friends that are all turning 60. I had a great time at the party. I saw people I have not seen in a while. I always find it funny to live in a town for so long and know a bunch of people but it takes a party to happen to see them. Rural living at its best I guess. It is interesting how our lives are all weaved into one another's.

Sunday we were invited to dinner to an old friend that we have not seen much. She had tried to get me out on the lake in a canoe last year unsuccessfully. I am a bit nervous on the water. I don't like being in water where I cannot touch the bottom and I am also scared the canoe will flip over. Well, she got me out there on Sunday and it was so much fun. So peaceful, and beautiful. China Lake here in Vassalboro is part of the Kennebec Water district and  there are many rules and regulations. No buildings or structures can be near the lake. Another rule is there is no swimming allowed. That means that while we were out on the water it felt like we were in no mans land. No houses or camps or anything. Only Great Blue Heron, and Cormorants. There were some motor boats a far way off but I didn't hear them, only saw them. I was so happy that I was brave enough to go out. After rowing we picked blackberries out in her back yard and then had a big spaghetti dinner and blackberry-apple pie with vanilla ice cream. So nice.

Monday the girls and I got up very early to drive 2 hours down south so they could do a ropes course with a group of girls. It was a drop off situation, so I didn't get any pictures. They had a wonderful time though. None of the girls wanted to leave.

After the ropes course we drove to the farm my son works on. It is called Winslow Farm and Flower Shop. If you are in Maine you should drop in. Very nice family. The girls and I helped with the harvest. We picked and put up to dry over 700 pounds of onions. The next day the girls helped pick tomatoes, zucchini, blueberries, and melon. Monday night we had a big twelve person dinner. Everyone helped cook. Aside from some sausage, salt, pepper and the wine, everything we ate came right from the farm. It was nice to spend time with my son in his space. It was all so good.

Tuesday after helping with the harvest the girls and I headed to the ocean. I just cannot be down that close to the water and not go. It was a bit chilly but we walked and waded in the water. Greta swam, of course. Both girls played in the sand. I sat and knit and dozed a bit. It was a very peaceful end to a fun couple of days.

I regret not taking any pictures, but really it was so nice just to do, and not to keep saying, 'Oh, let me get a picture of this'. For now the memories are in my head and heart.

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